How to Get the Best Out of Manual Directory Submissions

Links are crucial to attain and retain a better position in search engine results. Needless to say that an online business can never grow in today’s highly competitive world without having a better search engine ranking. To achieve this task, you can make sue of multifarious SEO techniques and such technique is known as “manual directory submission” where links are submitted to different directories to get backlinks.Benefits of manual directory submission:The biggest benefit of directory submission is that your submission will always be reviews by a human editor. Since it is hard to convince a human editor about the quality of your content, so, search engines always attach more importance to these directories. This can enhance the credibility of your site which is the ultimate goal of all SEO techniques.Moreover, if you have one such site which is rich in flash content or images, you will have to rely on manual directory submissions because search engines will not access your site. But, you will help search engine to categorize your site under a specific site by submitting to a directory.Finally, you will be able to get more traffic to your website along with having a better search engine placement which perhaps is the best benefit of manual submission.Finding the good directories:There are several directories available online. You can use internet to get close to them. While searching, you will find that some general and some specific directories. But, there are oodles of directories which come with different requirements. Some of them needs money and some are free. Some may require email confirmation whereas others may require you to have an email address similar to your domain. For manual submission, you need to conform to all those requirements set by the directories.Getting best out of manual directory submission:It is evident that manual directory submission is an integral part of search engine optimization but you need to understand the right way to make most of this option. Here’s what you need to know in this regard.o To achieve all associated benefits, you need to make sure that your website is designed in the right way so that you may take advantage of the traffic directed by your submission in different directories.
o At the time of directory submission, write your title and link text while utilizing your niche keywords.
o Brief description of your website should also be written effectively and attractively. Don’t repeat words and be factual all the time.o In most directories, a list of keywords will be required. Here, you must use unique but relevant keywords. It is better to conduct some research in this regard.o Last but not the least; try not to submit automated directories as this will be of no use for you.Manual directory submission is a grueling work for sure. Considering that it is time consuming, most people opt for a professional SEO company so that they may focus on other things. If you think that you will not be able to handle directory submissions in the right way, don’t hesitate to contact a SEO company offering reliable and affordable SEO services.